exercise and anxiety

 does it help

Exercise and Anxiety

Anxiety is a deep feeling of insecurity, fear and stress! To overcome anxiety, exercise remains the most natural remedy. Indeed, the production of endorphins (known as “happiness hormones) causes a sensation of well-being during and after a training session.

While the manifestations of emotion appear in the presence of a given real situation, “anxiety can be considered as a fear without object, a feeling of insecurity. It is triggered by different causes, future or imaginary situations, experienced as a danger, or at least something difficult to surmount, that may be related to intrapsychic conflicts or in relation with the outside world, anticipation of a risky action or considered as such.

On the psychic level, anxiety is always painfully felt, which again differentiates it from emotion.

According to the individuals, it can be a relatively ordinary state, like stage fright, or be part of pathologies going in its extreme form until the panic attack.

In athletes, we are in most cases dealing with a non-pathological form, but which can become disabling in the event of the persistence of a situation perceived as threatening. It is a negative emotional state that is accompanied by tension, anxiety, apprehension, associated with an activation of the body.

It thus has a cognitive component characterized by subjective sensations of apprehensions and tensions induced by a risk of failure and a somatic component corresponding to the physiological manifestations perceived during the anxiety-provoking situation.

While the manifestations of emotion appear in the presence of a given real situation, “anxiety can be considered as a fear without object, a feeling of insecurity. It is triggered by different causes, future or imaginary situations, experienced as a danger, or at least something difficult to surmount, that may be related to intrapsychic conflicts or in relation with the outside world, anticipation of a risky action or considered as such.

Anxiety can be a relatively ordinary state, like stage fright, or be part of pathologies going in its extreme form until the panic attack.

Which Exercise you Should Choose Against Anxiety.

Simply a sport that makes you happy! It’s not so easy to choose the right sport when you’re naturally anxious. Anxiety can lead to high demotivation or unsuspected proportions related to a lack of self-confidence and guilt, if you fail to meet your sporting goal. On the other hand, the satisfaction of becoming regular in a physical activity can restore self-confidence, lead to a state of physical and mental relaxation. Various studies have shown that for anxious subjects, it was necessary to exercise for 10 to 12 weeks to see the positive effects (30 to 40 min at moderate intensity).

In other words, after thinking about a physical activity that pleases, the anxious person should not overestimate his abilities to not get discouraged. The chosen sport should not become an obligation but a return to self-awareness and one’s body to gain confidence. Here are a few exmeples of the best exercises that can help with anxiety.


Running regularly helps burn calories, reduce cravings, increase life expectancy and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Studies have also shown other benefits, particularly in terms of mental health: running helps improve mood by stimulating the production of pleasure hormones and reward, both during and after exercise. According to a study cited by Health, the race would have effects similar to antidepressants and, in addition, helps sleep better.

Hiking in the Forest

To maximize the beneficial effects of walking and running, nothing beats an environment as soothing as a forest. Numerous studies have noted a decrease in stress and anxiety in people who engaged in activities in contact with nature. Plants produce chemicals to slow down their deterioration process, and also relax us.


People who practice yoga notice a decrease in the symptoms of depression, stress, anger and anxiety. After conducting studies on this subject, several groups of researchers recommend this activity to calm the nerves and the mind and as a complementary treatment for depression. Involved, the beneficial and soothing effect of breathing exercises.

Endurance Sports

Endurance sports are preferred by people who contain and lock up their emotions. Extremely liberating, activities such as tennis, cycling or running decrease the excitement and allow us to let go. Thanks to the effort, you are more focused, which allows you to forget your daily anxiety. It is advisable to practice these “endorphin-releasing” sports about twice a week. We can obviously complete his training with another activity such as swimming, which will have the effect of relieving our muscles and back pain for example